Featured Ambassador: Beau Hossler 

We love our Thunderbird Ambassadors, so we decided to start introducing y'all to the members of our flock!

Beau Hossler is a PGA golfer who just came in second place in the Houston Open! He attended UT Austin and then turned pro in 2016. Beau is a longtime fan of Thunderbird bars because of their clean ingredients and awesome flavors. They keep him fueled and focused on the gold course!


How did your interest in golf get started? What ultimately drove you to make a career out of it?

I played baseball growing up, and was a good pitcher, catcher, and shortstop. I played golf with my family and friends in my spare time, and caught the golf bug when I was 10 or 11 years old. I made the decision to stick to golf and give up baseball when I was 11. Seeing my game progress with the work I was putting in, along with tournament success at each level, made me realize that I could do this at the highest level.

What's one of your fondest memories from your time at UT Austin?

My favorite memories are moments with my teammates at home and on the road. I was lucky to have teammates that were serious about improving at golf, but were also sociable.

When you're not killing it on the field, what else do you like to do in your spare time?

I love supporting the LA Dodgers and LA Chargers!

What's the biggest challenge you're tackling right now?

The biggest challenge is getting enough rest to maintain a high level of physical and mental competitiveness. Scheduling is key.

What's your favorite Thunderbird Bar?

I love the Pecan Gogi Pistachio.

Share your social media accounts w/ our readers if they want to follow you along!

Twitter: @beauhossler
Instagram: @the_beau_show_

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